At the MAMD and DMFV Ascension Camp some members were honoured by our grandmaster Wolfgang Schnur, 10th Dan.
For their achievements in the MAMD he handed over the 7th Dan to Master Roland Herlt, the 5th Dan to Maic Andrée, the 3rd Dan Mano Mano to Bruno Hendris and the 2nd Dan to Torsten Zumpf, who also received the trainer license.
Torsten Kosuch received the 2nd Dan and the DMFV examiner license.
The members of the MAMD and the DMFV, as well as friends, congratulate from the bottom of their hearts.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the MAMD, the Dojo Leipzig presented a bottle of "medicine" to Grand Master Wolfgang Schnur. On a special label - in German, Baybayin and Tagalog (writing and language in the Philippines) it was written:
20 years of MAMD
Thank you for everything
We would like to thank Grand Master Wolfgang Schnur for the many hours of teaching and the knowledge he imparted, both in martial arts and in everyday life.
The report of the Ascension Camp can be found in the section for reports.