Seminar with Instructor Roland Herlt (5th DAN) & Thomas Schwaner (2nd Dan)
We started with warm-up and stretching exercises after which we glided and without much digression into the first floor techniques. This time the attention was put on techniques with Abanico and whirling by Roland. To create another challenge, we did not only do these techniques with the right hand but also with the left hand. That was quite tricky. During the partner exercise it became quite exciting, since one did not only have to do it with oneself, but also had to try not to affect the opposite negatively. This was followed by a session with the Daga, where we combined stabbing and disarming.
Before our first strength waned, we could enjoy delicious chocolate cake and coffee (thanks to Renate and Roland) during the first break and get a sniff of fresh air.
After the break we continued with the most different disarmaments with attacks from the basic 8-strike-system, whereby these disarmaments happened by deflection with arm bend, bang out the stick from the hand with your own stick, as well as with your leg. Finally there was, as a treat, disarming with the belt, which brought out some questioning looks and dodging flying sticks.
After another short break we went to a short 'warm-up exercise' for the ground fight. However, Thomas explained to us that it didn't make sense to spend too much in the fight on the ground. Continuing we practiced different throwing techniques, with one or the other hard impact. The goal was to bring the opponent with locks via neck into the horizontal position or strangle techniques with/without jacket. The all-sided popular 'mouse grip' got its place again and thus leading to one or other beautiful derailment in the faces. Last but not least, an opponent who was lying on the ground had to stop and escape from a strangling attack by his opponent kneeling above him. After that, however, the level of receptivity was already reached.
The training was concluded with a group photo, normally taking place at the beginning of the seminar due to the hairstyles.
In addition to the regular training hours, the course was a great enrichment, even though it led to some wounds that lasted a little longer.
We would like to express our special thanks to the 'Special Catering' of Rouven: On this day he celebrated his thirtieth birthday and could not attend the course due to the preparations. Thank you all for the invitation.
Course contents in short form:
- Warm up and stretching
- Whirling technique with Abanico
- Six basic techniques
- Stab scissor disarmament and Abanico l/r
- Stab and disarm against stick with Daga 8 basicstrike system l/r
- Disarming by deflection and arm bend with stick and Daga basic 8 strike system l/r
- Disarming by knocking it out of the hand basic 8 strike system l/r
- Disarming by knocking it out of the hand with a leg basic 8 strike system l/r
- Disarming via belt strike 1,2,5
- short warm-up on the ground and preparation for ground combat
- throwing technique forwards and backwards, with blow against neck or chest
- Throwing technique over hip or back
- Locking via neck with kicking away the legs
- Locking via neck and knocking to the ground
- Strangling technique and counter until the opponent is fixed
- Block your opponent with lapels of your jacket, bring him to the ground and calm him down
- Force opponent to the ground with mouse grip
- Position opponent on floor with kick, turn kick over chest with following lever grip on stomach
- Opponent from strangling position on ground with different techniques in lying position with stop