Finally again a training course in Leipzig. That means sleeping late. Or that's how you think. In the end something had to be organized, so the day started relatively early. Instructor Maic Andrée (5th Dan) was invited to introduce us to the topic "Mano Mano and Abaniko in application".
Torsten Zumpf warmed us up very spectacularly and body-focused so that we were relatively fast ready for the course. After this whooping we started immediately with a weaponless 1 vs 1. Maic then divided us into two groups, beginners and advanced, in which we stayed for the rest of the course.
At the beginning we started with the 6 Mano Mano blocks against the straight fist kick with following elbow techniques. For us advanced students it was liberation from a stranglehold from behind with, of course, subsequent techniques. The stomach was growling and Stefanie from our dojo (unfortunately not able to do it due to injury) served us coffee and delicacies which our training colleagues from Leipzig had brought with them.
The second part of the course started after the break. Abanico in use. Finally something with sticks again. The different distances and variants were practiced so that all were beautifully in motion. After 5 hours of training some people lost concentration. However, 4 of us from Leipzig were allowed to take part in the exam. By good preparation this was also passed. Congratulations to Martina, Matthias, Andy and Steve.