
Realistic self-defence as sporty competition?
A realistic self-defence like ours does not allow a transfer into a sporty competition man against man. On the one hand, this is due to the versatility of the weapons and objects, or the attack and defense possibilities. On the other hand, the weight classification, which is often usual in competitions, is unrealistic, because in case of defense the opponent cannot be chosen. Therefore, it is not in our interest to alienate a realistic self-defence like our Modern Arnis Mano Mano by rules and regulations and to limit it technically. Therefore, competitions within the MAMD are only held in the area of form running.

Anyo-Championship (Kata presentation)
Usually 2 anyos (katas) are run per participant. It is up to you which anyos you choose. However, it may be a maximum of 2 steps above your own graduation. There are anyos  with a stick, which are also contained in the individual pupil or Dan examination programs. Additionally you have the possibility to run forms with 2 sticks, Espada-y-Daga (machete and knife) or weaponless. Weaponless anyos do not exist in Modern Arnis as a fixed sequence of techniques. Here it is rather a matter of converting other forms (e.g. with stick) in their movement patterns completely into weaponless. Such forms are primarily presented by advanced students.