On March 30th 2019, five of us drove from Leipzig to Königslutter for the examination program course under the direction of MAMD/IPMAF Instructor Torsten Zumpf (4th Dan). Shortly before the gym the first questions came up: "Are we going the right way?" Yes, we were. Recently there has been another gym as the venue for training courses than usual in Königslutter The weather was so nice that in front of the gym some people suggested to train outside. Unfortunately not all training shoes had with them, but that shouldn't bother a Budoka.
After the really confusing warming of Erik, Torsten went into important details of Sinawali. Afterwards everybody got new training partners according to their graduation and the examination program was trained. Surprisingly Grand Master Wolfgang (10th Dan) appeared in between and gave helpful hints on individual elements. All in all I found the course very nice and I gained new insights into my examination program through the training partners of other clubs.